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Old 11-25-2014, 04:45 PM   #25
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Re: Interesting site for LS base

Wasted is right, no need for rockers at all. My last Turbo LS made 606HP/628TQ to the wheels on nothing more than a triple 12 isky cam, 60lbs injectors, a 70mm Turbonetics turbo, and a set of hardened push rods.

I only know of 2 people that can actually spec a cam for these motors, one is Tooley and the other is Jarrett (Stock48) on The isky triple 12 is Jarretts custom grind.

I know this is not a N/A motor but it did have the STOCK rockers. Matt Happel on the sloppy boards has made a lot more power on the stock rockers!

@wasted glad someone else knows about the Denmah!

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