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Old 11-25-2014, 11:47 PM   #13
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Re: What does "original" mean?

I agree with oem4me that few, if any, truly 100% original (vintage) trucks exist. I know the Hemmings article takes a hard line on what constitutes "original." Personally, I still consider a vehicle to be original even if some of the consumable parts (belts, hoses, brakes, tires, etc) have been faithfully replaced over the years. As long as they've been replaced with OEM parts and the truck doesn't deviate from the way the factory built it, it's still "original" to my way of thinking.

Probably the single biggest litmus test for originality in my book is factory-original paint. If it's been repainted it sure as heck isn't original anymore. Nor is it a "survivor." At least not to me.

But when you start talking about things like original fluids and original air in the tires... I think that's a nearly impossible standard. Even the Lambrecht trucks probably wouldn't meet those criteria.
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