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Old 11-27-2014, 02:03 PM   #23
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Re: What does "original" mean?

I think the VCCA is pretty lenient with their guidelines to qualify a HPOCF vehicle. I'm not saying they will let obvious issues go unnoticed, but rather that their aim is to promote preservation as opposed to restoration or modification.
That particular judging class is not exclusive, but inclusive, and that's a good thing.
Generally speaking, past owners of less-than-perfect classics often felt compelled to bring their vehicles up to show standards in order to get the attention they desired. This blanket "it has to be shiny to be pretty" philosophy has been the ruination of untold numbers of really special survivors over the years.
A perfect example of this thinking and proof that it still exists, is the recent Lambrecht truck which was listed on Ebay after a full restoration which included incorrect details and the use of some cheap aftermarket parts. It's now a very pretty truck to be sure, but it went from mythically interesting to plain boring in the process.
BTW, my 66 C-10 was VCCA certified nearly 100% in all four categories and was voted by committee to be the National winner, or "Best of the Best" for all unrestored HPOCF cars OR trucks in the 2010 season. In my book, it's pretty cool that a simple plain-jane work truck can take top honors in a nationwide organization.
Oh I'm sorry, is my pride showing?
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