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Old 11-29-2014, 12:52 PM   #7
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Strathmore, Alberta
Posts: 471
Re: Old Air or Vintage Air?

I put an Old Air Products system in mine. The features that I liked are that it uses your stock heater control panel for the controls, rather that a separate unit that needs to be mounted somewhere. Cleaner in my opinion. Also, it only takes a couple inches off the back of the glove compartment, where V/A takes pretty much all of the space. Not much storage in these trucks to start with, so any place you can keep stuff is a bonus. Good customer support also. I had a switch wired incorrectly in the kit, it had 3 wires to it, 2 black, one with a blue stripe. One of those two black wires was supposed to be blue. Switched them around and it worked perfectly. The tech guy and I figured it out over the phone, not an easy thing to diagnose an electrical problem over the phone. It took 2 or 3 calls, and he was very patient and helpful. I have one complaint though, at first it will get plenty cold 40F, and when the engine gets warm, not as cold. I don't know if the door inside the unit doesn't quite seal from hot side and cold side, or the hot coolant isn't being closed off completely. I am going to put a ball valve on the hot line and stop the hot coolant from flowing through, should be ok then. I plan on calling the tech guys about that one. One last complaint is I wish the fan blew slower on the low position. Under light load it is blowing too hard. I don't know much about Vintage Air's unit, but I am basically happy with the Old Air in my truck.
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