AC Vents - Sound Off!
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11-30-2014, 01:23 PM
56 - autocross
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Camarillo, Ca
Posts: 1,121
Re: AC Vents - Sound Off!
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I was having a hard time finding a vent setup to put in my 53 that would still look like maybe it came from the factory that way. So many of the aftermarket vents out there look cool, but also modern and they stick out a little bit in an old truck, I think. Also, because the AD trucks have a curved dash, there's not really a natural spot for installing a vent that has a flat mounting face, as most vents do. My truck ended up with a custom flat valance piece under the dash, with recessed openings for the vents. I think the recessed openings really help to make it look like it could have been an original piece.
Hey Torchlight. That piece looks great. What gauge steel ( it is steel isnt it) is it and how did you do the recess?
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