Running off a temporary gas tank
We're in the process of trying to get an old engine running. As it's set of 12+ years, I've removed the rubber hose between the tank and the hard line, and have added a temporary hose that's around 5 feet long.
The plan is to run this hose to a temporary fuel tank while working on the engine.
Here's where I'm lacking knowledge. I know the hard line runs to a mechanical fuel pump that feeds fuel to the carb. I'm guess that since it's pushing fuel to the carb, it "should" be pulling fuel from the tank but am not sure.
I guess what I'm asking is: Is the pump gravity fed? Meaning I need to rig up the temp tank to be higher than the pump. Or will the pump suck the gas out of the temp tank meaning I can just sit it on the ground?
We were going to test by pulling the fuel line running into the carb to see if gas was coming out, but couldn't get the line off and have to mess with that later (as I need to replace the fuel filter anyways).
'69 GMC C15
Inline 6, 230ci (possibly 250ci)