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Old 11-30-2014, 07:28 PM   #1
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Location: Paola, ks
Posts: 42
427 tall deck in a 1979 K25 GMC

I'm in the process of rebuilding a 427 tall deck to put in my K25. I am trying to find out if I can use the 13" clutch assembly and flywheel out of the C70. Also is there a dual plane low rise intake for the tall decks, so I don't have to use the spacers. And will the radiator out of a 2 ton fit in my truck. Also header fitment. The truck will be used to pull a stock trailer and as a wood truck. So the setup should work good as long as everything fits.
1949 Chevy C3100
1979 GMC K25
1982 Chevy C20
2000 Chevy K2500
2002 Pontiac Trans Am
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