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Old 11-30-2014, 09:29 PM   #3
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Re: Coolant leaking from A.I.R. System.

Green arrow is where I see it bubbling out after a minute running.

Looks like the previous owner disconnected it from the #1 cylinder, it's plugged with a bolt (yellow arrow) and bent the tube to close it off (blue).

I know general consensus is to leave it hooked up whether or not the trucks state has emission checks on older vehicles since it's still required, but I personally would like to remove it. It makes access to the carburetor screws neigh impossible without basically climbing into the engine compartment to reach in behind the carb.

But mainly now, I need to find out if I want to tear up the engine, or pay someone else to. Or if I can use some liquid copper gasket to seal it for the winter months and deal with it in spring (unheated 2 car garage and it's too cold already), or strip the tubes off and close the holes with bolts.
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