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Old 12-01-2014, 04:23 PM   #1
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Starter Opinions Needed

I have a GM high torque mini starter installed on my 83 C20 454 to help with heat soak hard start condition. I still have some starter drag when the engine is hot but the engine will turn over. I bought a Thermal Zero wrap for the starter/solenoid but discovered that the solenoid is in direct contact with the exhaust manifold heat shield. I can't see any way to "clock" the starter or solenoid so as to get the solenoid away from the manifold. It also seems to be very close to, if not touching, the engine block. Does anyone have ideas on how to get this away from the manifold and block? I would think that turning it about 180 degrees would get the solenoid away from the manifold and block. Is there a "super mini" high torque starter?
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