Thread: GMC Pauls issue
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Old 12-04-2014, 07:03 AM   #5
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Re: GMC Pauls issue

Originally Posted by Dano69c10 View Post
In general;
I never understood why vendors advertise parts for sale that are not in stock.
It would help customers if there was an "out of stock" notation by the part or "back ordered" notation, before an order is placed.
Not just directed at this vendor, but at all vendors who do this.
Because if the item may not be in stock in my warehouse the second you order it I might have a delivery occurring that day or soon after and we then notify the customer of such, also my manufacturer or multiple suppliers may have it sitting in their warehouse that I can ship it straight from them to the customer. Based on your example why do my manufacturers and suppliers list parts they make that they don't currently have in stock?? Because they sell the product and the demand has temporarily out stripped the supply of the part needed. The same as occurs with us. Example last week I had 12 1/2 ton mounting kits, suddenly 8 sold in 3 days. My reorder point is at 4 left in stock, I order another 8 the manufacturer has 3 and I got back ordered on 5. So now if the same ordering occurs over a 3 day period before my back ordered bushings arrive then I'll be short 1 set. Also if I list my warehouse inventory online then I have parts listed on ebay and the ebay item sells then my warehouse has just depleted the inventory by 1 and the web site inventory of the warehouse remains unchanged unless we then go in and adjust the inventory #'s every time a product sells through other than the web site. Very Time Consuming and very easy to make a error doing this.
Nothing seems to be a perfect system but we try with what we have to work with.
In regards to the retailers that do have inventory shown as in stock or not I'm sorry but in my years purchasing retail I've received MANY emails from such vendors After I've made the purchase informing me the item they showed in stock was not available. So as I said its not a perfect world but we TRY......................
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