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Old 12-04-2014, 01:51 PM   #9
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Re: 454 Flat Cam Question?

Hydraulic lifters should never need a hot or running adjustment. If they come out of adjustment, then either the rocker nut need fixed or replaced, or you have a bad lifter that needs replaced, or a bent pushrod that needs replaced, or the cam lobes are wearing out. Once the surface is worn more than a few mils, your cam lobes will wear VERY quickly because the surface hardening is gone. My vote: Replace the cam, lifters, pushrods, and rockers before it kills the crank with the bits from the ground off lobes. Learned that one the hard way.
- 1981 Sierra 454, NV4500 swap
- 2006 Z06, 25k miles
- 1973 Nova - Project CarNova Virus on Youtube
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