Had a few minutes a sun to look at my carb today, I noticed the lever in the photo where my finger is pointing has friction when I move it, it has a lot of drag as I try to move it. I can't see anything rubbing against it and am curious if this friction is supposed to be there? I'd guess I have to give it about a quarter pound of pressure to get it to move. Should that sucker move freely or is it supposed to have drag? Once it moves down a little it starts to move freely.
I also noticed when I disconect the vac line from carb to vac advance on the distributor that there's no vacuum at the carb fitting, should there be vacuum here? It's the vac port on the right front of the quadrajet. It makes no difference whether it's connected or not. Do different ports have different amounts of vacuum? Should some ports have no vacuum? Does the vacuum take place under certain conditions? Here's the lever I was talking about,