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Old 12-06-2014, 06:29 PM   #45
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Posts: 45
Re: My first build 50 on a 03 s dime frame

I pulled the seat out so far getting readt to put in my 1/4" rear cab spacers/weight distribution pads. Also if any buddy wants a 50 chevy pickup seat please let me know
I did this to get ready for the tranny tunnel as well as the mounts so I could work on bolting it up ik it doesnt seem like I did much but im carefully planing these things out on the rest of it since im not making as much money now because I have class every Wednesday for the next six months at the hall. But oh well Ill just have to do some trading and making good deals.
but im going to trim that other inner fender well and maybe drag the hood up and see what she looks like... can anyone explain the mechanics of the hood latch and what they have done to make one work?
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