Parting 68 GMC
Clean Hood. Correct for Chevy/GMC for 67-68. LMC sells for 470 for an aftermartket one. Asking 250
GMC fenders. Correct for GMC 68-72. 150 for repops. Asking 100 each
GMC Core Support 250 for a repop. Asking 150. Correct for 67-68, but fits all 67-72
Grill 50
Headlight retainers 60
Tweaked bumper 20
Complete front end 500
Long bed. in OK condition. 350
Steering Column 120
Glove box door 50
Windshield cowl 150
Tach Cluster 100. Doesn't appear to been originally a tach cluster. The tach wasnt wired in so I cant tell you if it worked. Everything else worked fine.
Uncut dash. Asking 100
Shipping at buyers expense. Will take paypal if you cover the fees