Originally Posted by hamjet
You're cutting down the frame and box to make it a short bed, Does that makes it worth less? Then does cutting the frame to install C channels and removing springs for bags, widening tubs to make room for wider tires, customizing interior with different dashes, shaving doors, or any other heavy mods decrease value? I don't think so..
Originally Posted by 72MARIO
How about a sticker that says " fake short bed".
I didn't realize people acutually cared. A nice well built rust free truck should be what a buyer is looking for. If you can't spot a cut down lwb does it really matter ?
It's all in the buyers perspective.
If it is important to *you* as a buyer to have an original shortbed, then it would be very important to that buyer that the seller is up-front about this issue. And since shortening is happening more and more now, such a buyer had better know how to spot one, because not every seller will be up-front about it. There have been several cases aired on this very forum about buyers who *thought* they were buying an original shortbed, and found out later they had not.
If it isn't that important to you as a buyer, I think you should still know about it before hand. That is one mod you need to have done correctly. Even if you don't care that it *was* done, you should indeed care *how* it was done. IMO, it is a mod in class all it's own. Most other mods don't compare in terms of potential consequences...
So to me, it's all about knowledge before hand. At least then *everyone* knows what is being bought and sold, and all can decide for themselves if/what they're willing to give/take for it.
This thread is one more tool to find out.
1972 Chevy C-10, SWB, Fleet, 350/350, PS, PB, HEI, mostly stock, Survivor.