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Old 12-08-2014, 08:05 PM   #1
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6.2 ip pump adjustment help??

ok guys heres what I got:
I am runnng a military 6.2 with a 6.5 turbo setup. running the 6.5 Injectors and ele lift pump. I*have turned the "fuel screw" the 1/6 turn and advanced the timing approx 1/16" using marks. now that I have advanced the timing the truck runs very strong from 0-1/4 throttle. runs good at 1/2 throttle then it seems to drop off the more throttle you apply. it does not die or run bad just doesnt seem to "accelerate" as well after 1/2 pedal. I do notice the egts climb quickly after 1/2 throttle so I assume its not a lack of fuel?? my reading leads me to believe its something with the transfer pump pressure at the ip inlet but cant find much info on it. 2nd guess would maybe say internal advance?? anyone got experience with this??
thanks in advance
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