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Old 12-09-2014, 04:31 PM   #37
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Re: Encasedmetal's 63' GMC stepside build

holidays UPDATE: not a whole getting done lately on the truck, but here's what I have been up to lately:
Built a better stand for the cab that will allow me to actually work on it, I can flip it backwards onto 4 tires stacked in twos and it works just fine

I also bought a welder (Eastwood MIG 135) and whole bunch of welding stuff including a large tank of CO2 25% Argon 75% and have been practicing every weekend for the last few weeks. learned some valuable lessons the hardway on scrap and myself and now feel confident enough to start working on the truck itself. I've never touched a welder before in my life so I'm pretty proud of myself being self taught with no help really besides youtube and it didn't help for squat. anyways- the one peice I have done on the truck is filling a hideous hole some PO cut for an antenna

But for now I'm just waiting on topbanana to deliver an unruly amount of sheetmetal for me to start surgery on this thing. So in the mean time I think I'll change the blower setup on my cobra for ****s and giggles...
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