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Old 12-10-2014, 09:32 AM   #21
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Re: I Saved Another One!!!



Lanman: Thanks for the inspirational picture.

AirSpeed: No issues w/the door jamb, may be a shadow/camera angle, not sure, but there is no damage. Door shuts w/out issue. Looks the same on pass side.

Ho70: Interesting thought, I feel the same way and even more so when someone does a great job redoing one. It's the hackers that just drive me nuts. Not sure what it is, but its just a good thing to do, saving an old truck; Ford, Chevy, Dodge...doesn't matter.

Big Dog: Post a pic of yours, if you have one.

Was out in the barn last night trying to decide what I should do.....they're only original once and despite my desire to make it look like the one in Lanman's pic, I may just redo the interior and leave it alone.
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