I got an update at the school today: finishing touches being done on the cab exterior to prep for painting; brakes will be done soon, and hopefully next semester (after Holiday break) engine and cab and suspension can be put on frame; engine is built, just needs outer components put on; valve covers will be powder coated soon! I will be touching base with the local tire shop who is going to donate tires/wheels soon to plan for tires. Next year, hope to get bed completed (painted and wooden bed made), and get interior redone.
I am so grateful to the instructors for their enthusiasm for the project. Thanks Mr. S and Mr. B!! I should have engine and cab pics to post near the end of next semester.
'Zane's Ride', a fundraiser to benefit Make-A-Wish Alaska in honor of my son Zane. I miss you, sweetheart! Zane Jacobsen, 9/1992-12/2011