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Old 12-13-2014, 10:47 PM   #10
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Re: Battery Draw - Need Advice on What Meter Numbers Mean

To check current, the battery cable needs to be disconnected, the meter connected to the cable, and battery terminal. The DVM has to be set to DC current, 10A (until you find the current is under 300mA or whatever the lower setting is), and the meter wire plugged into the right port.
Lots of people open the circuit and measure voltage but that's not the way things are done. As Rich explained, you want to measure flow/current/Amps.
The OP needs to explain how and what he's measuring, how the meter is set up and where he's measuring. Numbers without units are meaningless... That said, I'd guess he's got things set up right since the numbers are so low...

Last edited by franken; 12-13-2014 at 10:55 PM.
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