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Old 12-15-2014, 07:07 PM   #31
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Re: How to decide Value/worth? '59 Fleetside (long post)

hi neighbor
first look at where most of the people posting live: south, south west and northwest
i hate all of them, you may hate them too; i give you permission

the south, southwest and northwest is full of unmolested rust free bodies, they use no or little salt on their roads
not so here if the body is as rust free as claimed, it's well worth $8k plus around here
anything from here will be in sad shape, real sad shape...

but as others have said do a close inspection, crawl under and look at the cab corners, the brow over the headlights,
under floor mats, door hinge pockets, steps, rockers, front fenders, ect...
check too confirm that the suspension is really rebuilt; no slop in kingpins or spring shackles (jack it up)
if it is a cab off restoration as stated there should be no rust in those areas or any obvious misuse of filler...
i'd run from it screaming like a little girl

you already have a classic and know what's involved in rebuilding it
if you like what you see, buy it. nothing sexier than a yellow 4 eyed beauty in my mind
you probably won't find better around here and might be worth a $2k premium over buying sight unseen off of ebay

i brought my truck with me from NC originally from arkansas and ended up replacing cab corners, floors, steps and rockers
stop by... i'm in detroit metro area, northville
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