Thread: GMC Pauls
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Old 12-16-2014, 02:49 AM   #14
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Re: GMC Pauls

Originally Posted by leddzepp View Post
Thank you for your input. Upholstery can get very you know the name of the manufacturer? Was it Truck World? Just curious. I'm sorry for your experience.
Yes it was Truck World. I did not know that until after I had a problem so I never searched for reviews or anything. Even though Truck World was the true source of the problem, because of the handling by GMCPauls I cannot recommend them.

My impression was, and still is, that with a seat that is completely original and in nice enough shape that it has no broken springs or foam deterioration or other issues- not even a rust on the frame, that a correctly made seat cover should fit easily. That is why I had no problem believing my installer when he showed me the problems. Incidentally, my installer would have made the cover himself but when he couldn't find a good quality material that matched well enough he encouraged me to look online for vendors. He certainly wasn't trying to upsell me. It was only after the problems and lack of support that we looked at the numbers on the back of the material and realized he could get it from his suppliers (the color swatch was in a different part of the sample book that we never looked at). I'm sure it was much more of a pain for him to order material and modify someone else's cover vs just making his own based on my old cover. I find it a rediculous notion that someone would do that make an extra buck.

And thanks for your empathy- it is appreciated. I realize from time to time we all deal with an issue or unfortunate experience. That's why I don't get upset when it happens as disappointing as it can be. But I expect it to be handled the right way. Anyone can be a hero when things go right. It's when they go wrong that true character shows itself.
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