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Old 12-16-2014, 09:20 PM   #8
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Re: 47-55, 4x4 on stock frame

Still a reader, but haven't posted in awhile.


I had a 3600 that I had dreams of converting to 4x4, but have since sold it...and got a 3100 thats rougher than the 3600 was. Haha, oh well, I realized the 3100 is what I wanted from the start. A friend bought the 3600 though, so hopefully 2 have been saved.

One hang up with a 4x4 AD seemed to me, to be axle width. If it were me, I'd really want to keep the 4x4 axles the same width as the stock 2x4 axles. I'm personally not into the tire sticking out past the fender thing, on old or new trucks. Most later model full sized Chevy truck axles seemed to be too wide. Axles can be narrowed of course, but thats beyond my current skill level, and would cost some dough for sure to have done. I've always owned Jeep Cherokees and if I recall correctly, those axles are close to same width as stock AD axles. Not as beefy as a 3600 axle, but would handle at least a 33" tire (strength wise) no problem...with a 6 cylinder anyway. I'm sure you have, but think about which side the front differential will be on. Most Jeep stuff is drivers side, while I believe most of the Chevy stuff is passenger side. Its pricy, but I'm pretty sure there is an adapter for a Jeep transfer case to the Chevy granny 4 speed. Advance Adapters probably. I'm still learning, but those were a few thoughts I had.

Not 100% sure what the ultimate direction of my 3100 will be, but I'm still interested in a 4x4 AD for sure. You should definitely do the 4x4! And run tall skinny tires. Would be awesome! I've read through your blue 3600 build numerous times. Love it! Good luck!
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