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Old 12-17-2014, 04:46 PM   #10
Rude Dude
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Re: What did you do with your truck today, take 2

Yes Dan, I got rid of the house in the high desert and I retired for good last January still had my home in Arizona.
I bought the cover at Pomona Swap meet. The guy that sells them will embroider what ever you want at no extra charge. His prices went up to $200 his shop is in Apple Valley CA sorry I didn't keep any of the info.

I powder coated at local shop owned by a friend for cheap around $40, just me helps to prevent rust.

Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena View Post
Maybe you oughta! Looks pretty good to me.

Hi Rudy, I notice your location now says Glendale, AZ. You're out there permanently now? I know you said you were moving but are you permanently gone from the desert here?

The seat looks great. Did I miss it? Whose cover is that or did you sew it yourself? And the embroidery, if you bought this who offers that?

I was gonna comment on your mentioning powder coating the bottom frame. Why the expense? It's not like it'll ever be touched much. I'd paint it myself, maybe even rattle can it. No one but you will EVER see it. I know, heresy to some but on my budget I'll save the powdercoating for something that'll be seen and need the scratch protection. Merry Christmas, Rudy!
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