Thread: Park brake
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Old 12-18-2014, 04:48 PM   #1
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Park brake

So with some help of the workshop manual, friends trucks etc I think I have worked out whats missing on my park brake.

There is a pull rod that's bolts to the dash, this I have looked for but all I seem to find is 1954 car ones, will they fit?

The other part that I have noticed that's broken is the drivers side cable that I think goes from the brake drum to the leaver arm, it looks like it's rusted away near a thread but all the brake cables I see online don't look the same has anybody swapped this part? If so do you have photos?

Got a couple of other issues like the seller forgot to tell me that it did not have side windows, that's brill for the U.S. (California) but a right pita in the UK, got these in order but realise I need the runners also, while are best fit?

Thanks in advance. is offline   Reply With Quote