Re: Patina Questions
I agree with all above. The price of paint has made people rethink cool. I have 1 of each as well. And just like them I drive the patina one the most. To me it's like the truck tells a story. All original and has a story behind each dent and scratch. I like patina as long as it's solid. Mater has a good line in Cars 2. He gets a small scratch and says to leave it because it leaves a place in time to remember. Something like that. I see the same thing and think about someone was doing something 40 years ago and put that scratch there or wore out the shifter knob, etc. Then I try to come up with a story as to what they were doing. They were just going about they're day to day business and now I'm trying to get behind the emotions of what was going on at that time. Kinda like forensics.