Originally Posted by R.L.
Around here on the central Gulf coast we have live oaks and those leaves get in everywhere. The cowling vents in front of your windshield is where they get in, then they move outboard and down the inside of your fender to the inside vent. When you open it old leaf pieces blow in on you. I suggest removing your cowl take a air hose and with your vents open blow what you can out then try with them closed; that duct continues trough out the bottom of your truck. You'll need to remove the fender to do a better job. Do both sides and if air doesn't do it try it with your water hose, rain goes down it all the time.
I installed a screen under my cowling to try to keep the majority of those leaves out.
yeah the PO installed a similar screen, and I keep my car in the garage so I rarely have leaves get down in there. But there is still some farther than what I can see. I guess I just have to start taking it apart a little to get to the leaves...