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Old 12-26-2014, 11:51 PM   #368
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Re: most original 60-66 truck in existence?

Originally Posted by LVPhotos View Post
Ok, so if I can reiterate. For those in need of factory bolts, nuts, or clamps or whatever... before I toss or hand off something that someone needs...was my point. I was just trying to help out those who restore. Most of my original engine and working generator are on a 100 point Corvette.
Figure that a restoration guru would have stock height information.
Hi, LVPhotos. I don't mean to harp on this. Your questions are totally valid. However, they don't belong here in the thread about the most original trucks around. I'm sure if you post them on the general forum or in the classifieds you will get your answers but please don't clutter up this thread with off-topic material. Just trying to keep things focused on the original topic-- one that happens to be near and dear to me and several others. Thanks!
* 60-66 Chevy and GMC FACTORY PHOTOGRAPHY (scans) of pickups and carryalls.

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