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Old 12-27-2014, 04:05 PM   #1
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RESULTS are in after adding Engine Restore!

On a previous thread I explained how my mid 70's Chevy c20 454 had no power and it felt like I was dragging a big A-S boat anchor. I asked members advise on using Engine Restore or Marvels Mystery Oil to bring back some youth in ol big block. After reading members post and researching online I choose Engine Restore. The original compression on 1,3,5,7,4 & 8 cylinders started at 120lbs per cylinder and 2 & 6 started at 95lbs per cylinder, I only drove my truck 10 miles or so after pouring in the Engine Restore and did another compression test, cylinders 1,3,5,7,4 & 8 are now 130lbs per cylinder and the other two cylinders are 110lbs. I didn't expect much, if any of a difference especially only driving for 10 miles but it definitely worked! Still feels like I'm dragging a boat anchor but it does have a bit more pep and does runs smoother. I know this is just a temporary fix and the 454 needs rebuilt but I'm actually amazed this worked as well as it did. Now I'm contemplating adding another bottle of Engine Restore, what do you think?

Last edited by savatreatabvr; 12-27-2014 at 04:07 PM. Reason: wrong numbers
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