Re: RESULTS are in after adding Engine Restore!
I think the results won't last very long. I had an absurdly tired Ford 240-6 that ran pretty well, though it would foul plugs every 1500 miles, and it consumned heroic quantities of oil. Compression was uniformly low. I forget how low, but I recall wondering how it could even run.
I tried STP Engine Treatment, Restore, heavier oil, etc. It certainly worked, though only for a hundred miles or so. After that, lifters commenced clattering, performance--what little there was--got worse and the truck behaved exactly like you'd expect from a '66 F100 with several hundred thousand miles.
Eventually, one of my lifters clogged full of gunk, dried out, and collapsed, and that was all she wrote. When I pulled the engine and tore it down, I found all manner of sludge in there. It was a used motor in a used-up truck, and I was on a budget, so I ran it as long as I could. Were I in the same boat again, I'd leave the additives on the shelf.
My advice is to save your money, run the recommended oil, drive it sparingly and carefully, and rebuild it when you can.
Best of luck! Those 454s are a blast to drive.
Last edited by Oregoon; 12-28-2014 at 03:54 PM.
Reason: I don't type so good 'cause my fingers are the size of Summer Sausages.