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Old 12-28-2014, 10:27 PM   #5
Roadside Rebuilder
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Re: RESULTS are in after adding Engine Restore!

A collapsed lifter will tick to beat hell at idle--loud and sharp--and it can decrease as RPM increases, though usually it sounds like a sewing machine. The point I was maing is that you have hydraulic lifters and a tired motor. Who is to say how much crud is is in there? By using additives or solvents you'll plug oil passages, or knock sludge loose and only wind up shortneing the life of your already aging motor. Additives are quick fixes... As the saying goes: Fast, cheap and easy. Pick any two.

If you have a tired motor, there's really no saying what's happening though it's a safe bet that it's not good. They simply wear out... I wish I could give you a band-aid repair that would get you through until funds allow a solution.

I've been in your spot too many times, and it's a real pinch. Best bet is to simply treat it as well as you can and start squirreling some coin away until you xcan afford a proper rebuild.
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