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Old 12-29-2014, 01:16 PM   #1
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Posts: 523
Cab Rust Encapsulator/Preventative

Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas, and got all the truck parts or tools they wished for! I certainly enjoyed seeing my 18 month old grandson jump on the Bass Pro mini quad runner Santa brought him and tearing through the house at 1 mph!

Anyway - we all know there wasn't much preservation applied when the individual body panels came together on our old trucks back in the day. Has anyone had good (actually, great) experience with any of the products out there for treating those hard to reach spots in the cab panels (such as Eastwood's Internal Frame Coating, etc.)? I just had my cab blasted and powder-coated primer, and as I replace some of the cancerous panels I would like to shoot something into the voids, etc. that won't be removed, but may be accessible. Any recommendations?

Thanks much, Jim
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