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Old 12-31-2014, 12:03 AM   #157
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Re: Barbwire Customs Project#1

It's slow going with the limited time but the transmission is cleaned and the filter is changed. There didn't seem to be much junk on the inside so maybe it will last a couple thousand until I can rebuild and have the funds I need. I hope to have the motor cleaned and painted in the next week or two so I can at least set the motor and tranny in and start the install. I am trying to decide on whether I want to go ahead and install a cam and if so which one. I am wanting one that has a little lope but has no trouble running accesaries (ac and such) at a stop light. I have looked at the GM Z06 cam but I think it's a little small. If there are any ideas out there let me know.
My 67 SWB Build

Last edited by zacthrasher; 12-31-2014 at 12:11 AM. Reason: changed pictures
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