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Old 01-01-2015, 10:10 AM   #7
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Re: Refinishing your fiberglass top

I just pulled a couple windows, its pretty easy. I had the top off and had it standing up on the front end (half top) which made it really easy. If it is on the rig you probably need a helper.
Basically it goes like this...

there is a locking strip on the outside of the seal, locate the small metal clip and carefully remove it. Then remove the locking strip, it is a piece of rubber type material about a 1/4 inch or so in diameter, try not to stretch it when pulling it. It was also recommended that if it is stretched not to cut any off the end when replacing it since it will shrink back to its original length so try to compress it on re install if needed.

The from the inside start to work the seal over the lip on the top. I used a screw driver but a wider plastic tool would be more appropriate. It is a little hard to get it started but once it is I used my finger to pull down the seal and push it behind the lip on the top. (easier to do than explain) The corner are kind of a pain because the seal bunches up there. Once you have one long side and the two short side worked out the window will tip out and can be pulled from the last side.

With a little patience this was an easy job, took maybe 10 minutes per window working alone. I haven't re-installed them yet so I can't help with the procedure for that.
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