Originally Posted by jkeating1
Brian--I was reading a post of yours in GDavis' thread from a while back:
Originally Posted by Xeen View Post
"Im confused about one thing though, if the frame is a 68 why doesnt it have the dimple and why do you need spacers for the power steering box, mine is a 68 and has the dimple from the factory.
Are you sure its not a 67 frame?"
I don't have a 68 frame to look at, but is the "dimple" the same as would be on a '71-'72? I do have one each of those to look at.
I will be putting PS on my 67 (a new box supposedly for a 67). Do you have any input as to what hurdles I will encounter. How would you recommend dealing with them? I know PS was available on a '67, so there must be a factory-type solution.
I found that the easiest way to solve any future issues is to just follow Brian's advice and just dimple the frame. I thought about just adding spacers, but where I was setting on my build was to dimple the frame. I don't know where you are with your build.