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Old 01-01-2015, 05:53 PM   #31
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Re: Had to buy - '77 Suburban

So with that out of the way, I should explain what I want to do with this thing: I like shiny, clean vehicles just as much as everyone else, but I find myself not driving those ones as often. Maybe it's because I have young kids (people with kids will understand that), or because I'm not one of those "neat" kind of guys that details everything so it is perfectly clean, or because I don't have time to constantly be cleaning, or because I get nervous about dings, scratches, etc. Actually, what I really think makes me like the old, used looking rigs is they have a lot of two are alike. So with that, this K5 will be built with preservation in mind as opposed to restoration. I've done restorations and will do more in the future, this isn't one of them. If you need to see every part painted or powder coated prior to installation, won't happen here. A lowered, safe, 2wd beater is the goal.

So this Jimmy is clean, but by no means rust free. Accumulations of leaves and dirt will rust just about anything after this long. Since it will not get fresh paint I am cutting out the bad, replacing it, and will be spot covering it with matched spray bomb paint after minimal body work.

- Pass rocker needed to be replaced. Note I kept as much of the old as I could.
- A few small holes in fender were cut out and patched.
- Still need to figure out what to do with the driver door. I use old truck hoods for my replacement patches so I'll probably just cut out bad and replace.
- The hood was kinked so I was lucky to find one at the junkyard in a close (maybe the same) color with no rust or kink.
- Swapped in 73-74 GMC grill. I'm thinking it needs to lose the bumper guards
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Last edited by Willowrun; 01-01-2015 at 06:56 PM.
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