Thread: my 63 upgrade
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Old 01-03-2015, 01:31 PM   #1
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my 63 upgrade

hi guys and happy new year. first time on this forum. i'm a french guy from france. just want to share and get advices from all off you dudes because i'm working on a 63 C-10.
for my work i was looking for a pick up, after searching and see what i can have in france (basically small diesel japanese pick ups) i wasn't willing to pay more than 30K in a pathetic engine and truck that you cannot even tow a skid steer with. More than that the registration is right now very costly due to emission laws in france.
So at the beginning of the summer i was looking at private ads and found this long bed C-10 with a V8 and a floor 4 speed. call the guy, trip, drive test and i buy it!
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all gauges were in working order, no power brake or steering, starts by looking the key (that's trully impressive!) and for a 1/5th of the price of a new ride, nothing to worry about the interior you can clean easily, a real good working truck.
this truck was from california, i think from a desert area cause it's absolutly rust free : frame and body. all the bolts can be loosen and a ton of sand melted with old grease.
Minor problems but normal for a 50 old truck, done all the services twice clean a bit the wires, fuel line, tune the carb and all was dialled in, then the SM420 start to cry in fourth and i blew a head gasket towing. this small block with the 2 barrel rochester was really nice to tow with and the gearing was well suited to the task
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I drove 5000km with it in 3 months before all happen.

This is where the fun part begin. a friend bought a rat rod and was in need of a powertrain i sold the SB with the tranny and i found this for me.
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gen IV BB 4 bolts main from a boat (so i get a twin set!). i've melted a fuse and the rebuild snowballed to get a real freight train:
-hight volume, pressure oil pump.
-street warrior intake.
-MSD distrib, coil, trigger box (should have gonne with D.U.I cause less wires)
-comp cam full cam kit 1600-5800 (should have gonne lower)
-new pistons and crank to stroke it to 496ci
-stock iron heads with 3 angle valve job and ported intake and exhaust
-roller rocker and cam
virtual dyno (as accurate as it can be) 360hp @5800rpm and 640lf/ft of torque @2800.
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we did a stand brake in for the cam and then i take the truck and engine to the shop.
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then i start looking around for all the parts of the truck: front suspension, a-frame, brakes (drums 4 corners) sterring, driveline. did some research and found that "truck shop" had all the parts i need. the where not very fast to proceed my order but the shipping rate was pretty low and i get all the parts to rebuild the truck in one shoot:
-cab seals
-bearings and seal F/R
-brake master and slave cylinder repair kit
-brakes shoes (my drums where pretty mint and just need a small machining to get like new)
-a few bolts
-cab/frame mounting+ radiator core support
-sterring joints
-brake line
plus a lot af small other parts.
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