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Old 01-04-2015, 10:24 AM   #5
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Re: Monster - 1974 GMC Suburban 2500 Super Custom

I friend helped out. he checked the crank again. finished the oil feed holes, so they werent sharp anymore and polished it were needed.
also bought some plastigauge, to check the crank and rods in the engine. ordered new bearings (again).

waiting for parts I took apart my alternator and gave it the same color as the engine VHT Kermit Green 8)

plastigauge is in. the assembly and checking can begin:

main bearing at 0.002.....thats OK. should be between 0.002 and 0.003

checked a coupl of other bearings and some were 0.002 and 0.0015. I checked with some friends and online and although 0.0015 is tight, I should be OK. Even in WOT runs my engine does only about 4k rpm.

timing chain and first head back on. Allmost put the timing chain on again with the wrong timing. I was glad I cought that before closing her up.

just a nice pic of the deck. I can look at pics like this for hours. Love it

intake en valvecover er weer op, nadat ik de kleppen weer gesteld had. heb besloten om meer groen te spuiten, zodat naderhand het groen beter zichtbaar blijft in de motor ruimte

borrowed an engine hoist and started putting her back in myself.

TOUCHDOWN! Monster has a heart again. now to put everything back on again.

took off the vacuum advance and locked it, since I run a programmable ignition that also handles vacuum advance.

bought some new hose clamps, but these were just a little to big and thus didnt close up correctly. so ended up using the old ones again.

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