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Old 01-04-2015, 11:24 AM   #14
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Re: C30 hydro boost help

Hydroboost and power steering are same system, brakes another.

IIRC, bleeding the hydroboost. Run truck, turn lock to lock, shut off truck, wait for air bubbles to dissipate in the hydroboost resevoir, top fluid, try again. Eventually the air will be worked out of the system, unless you have a leak and loosing fluid or sucking air. There "should" have been bleeding instructions in the new hydroboost unit.

I still stand by my original assessment that the master is bad. (My C-30 had a bad master when I bought it.)
'86 C-30 dually, 454/tbh400
'73 K-20 350/350/205 (sold )

I'm kinda like duct tape- no real purpose, but handy to have around.
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