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Old 01-04-2015, 11:25 AM   #7
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Re: p0300 random missfire puzzle

I recently bought a 2002 CCSB 2500HD, 6.0L. It had quite afew things wrong with it and I am stillfixing things. It needed a new rear knock sensor (which I changed both with some aftermarket ones and awiring harnes...mistake because then it said I needed both sensors replaced and had to take it all apart again)

It also has....still has the p0300 code. I have changed the plugs and wires which it really needed. I also changed the instake gasket when I did the knock sensors. I still need to fix the exhaust manifold bolts that are broke off. It has 3 on the passenger side and 2on the drivers side. It has a pretty nasty exhaust leak on the passenger side.

Blah blah blah....long story short.... do you guys think my issue might be a crank relearn? I get a flashing CEL only around 50-55mph and if I let off a bit and get the rpms back under 2000 it stops. It seems to only set it off under load. I can't really ever feel it missing. It is lifted with 35" tires that probably need balanced. It also needes tie rod and ball jointson the passenger side. It has 165000 miles too.

I guess I'm still rambling but just trying to give as much information as I can.

Thanks Chris (sorry tohi-jack this thread with my problem.)
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