New to me - inline 6 250 service info needed.
Hi all,
Happy New Year from the UK.
I hope to start 2015 in good form by finally servicing my c10 engine. Had the truck only 3 months and trying to work out what I need to do first.
There are no threads on basic servicing etc so I have a few questions that maybe you could help me with
C10 1966 250 inline 6 with HEI dizzy and single barrel carb.
So my plan is to...
Change oil for new
Change spark plugs
Compression test
Set the timing on the HEI
Set carb
Can you tell me what new spark plugs I should be looking for ? NKG? bosch ? Etc
What should I be setting the timing at with the HEI 10° BTDC? Or any other recommendations happy sought.
Once I have set the timing roughly what RPM should I be setting idle at? 500/600?
It seems to be running a bit rough is why I wanted to do thE service and this way I also get to learn something new about my (currently unfamiliar ) engine.
Thank you In advance