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Old 01-05-2015, 02:22 AM   #8
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Re: Quiz Time - Topic: Passenger Front Fender

I believe it is 25, Keith correct me if I am wrong

here they are in no particular order

fist the big ones

3 - 9/16ths attach to the hood hinge bracket

1 - 9/16ths above the top door hinge

1 - 9/16ths under the truck door sort of

1 - 9/16ths on top behind hood hinges

then the smaller ones

7 - 1/2 inchers attach to the inner fender

5 - 1/2" attach to the radiator support on the inside

2 - 1/2" bolt on the side of the battery tray

2 - 1/2" above the headlight inside that cavity

1 - 1/2" left of the parking light inside that cavity

then the tinny ones

2 - philips screws hold the light bezel to the front of the fender
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