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Old 01-27-2004, 12:59 PM   #1
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1969 chevy 4x4 1 ton PU

Wondering if someone here can help me with some info on a truck im thinking of buying.

as the title says its a 1969 chevy 4x4, I was told its a 1 ton, my question is this, would this have drum brakes for sure or is it possible it could have disks? it has a 6 cylinder 4 speed combo and i was wondering if anyone has any idea what gear ratio it would have being its a 6 cyl with 4 speed combo?

thats a picture of it, hes asking $1600 and says it runs great, i havent actually looked at it yet, but plan to, as i think its a cool truck to fix up.thanks for any tips anyone can give me, ive had blazers before but nothing this old, i had mostly 79's that type of thing.

Last edited by frankbanks; 01-27-2004 at 03:27 PM.
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