Originally Posted by mr48chev
Pull those excessive height lift blocks out and take them to a competent welding shop and have them cut the amount you want to lower it out and put them back in and probably change to to shorter U bolts if the ones on it don't have enough threads.
Your "mechanic" should be able to have it done for you in a day's time but if it were me I'd scrap the whole frame and start over with a new frame and have it built right rather than cobbled together as it is.
The frame is solid on this truck. Those pics I posted of the front were misleading... The whole front of the frame from the firewall forward is boxed on both sides. So while some of the frame was torched away to fit the a arms and steering box , thick steel was used to box the other side. It's not the prettiest looking , but it's strong.
I don't know a thing about suspension design , but there's no problem with the way the rear suspension feels when I drive even on a rough road, I don't get any bounce in the rear