Originally Posted by Gregski
I believe it is 25, Keith correct me if I am wrong
here they are in no particular order
fist the big ones
3 - 9/16ths attach to the hood hinge bracket
1 - 9/16ths above the top door hinge
1 - 9/16ths under the truck door sort of
1 - 9/16ths on top behind hood hinges
then the smaller ones
7 - 1/2 inchers attach to the inner fender
5 - 1/2" attach to the radiator support on the inside
2 - 1/2" bolt on the side of the battery tray
2 - 1/2" above the headlight inside that cavity
1 - 1/2" left of the parking light inside that cavity
then the tinny ones
2 - philips screws hold the light bezel to the front of the fender
Yep - I think you've got it.
(I would have forgotten to count the phillips screws - lol).
Those small 1/2" bolts are the ones I am talking about when I tell my favorite "bolt substitution" story:
Originally Posted by Keith Seymore
Me too! Makes me crazy, especially when they argue about the finish on a bolt.
The attachment of the front fender "nose bolts" to the rad support was especially difficult, because it is blind and awkward access. As a result we would cross thread the bolts often or (worse) break the weld nuts loose. Major repair.
We found out that there were two suppliers for a bolt that same size: One from Lang Fasteners and one from Ferndale Fasteners. The Langs would crossthread like crazy but the Ferndales wouldn't (for some unknown reason). The Langs (part number 3846202, btw!) were black but the Ferndales were silver.
What we ended up doing was stealing a box of the silver bolts from Line 2 and run them all night with no issues, and then lock them up in our locker, (set out a box of black bolts on the job) and then go home.
We did that for several years. First shift could never figure out why we didn't crossthread and why they had a mess on their hands every day.