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Old 01-05-2015, 11:32 PM   #770
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Re: 69 GMC "Ol' Blue"

Originally Posted by MAC71 View Post
Making progress. So when do you think its going to get fired up? I would like to be there for that if I can?
I need to figure out my wiring mess first. I'm hoping to try and get it to a fire point by the end of February. That would be awesome to have you come check it out!

Originally Posted by 7dee2 View Post
Not seeing a problem as long as it doesn't bind and you have full motion and can adjust the bar lengths for optimal pedal/throw out bearing adjustments I'm thinking it's good to go!

Edit: Make as much room as possible between the brake and clutch pedal arms. It would suck to get something stuck in there at the wrong time.
It has no binding right now. In this configuration, I can't put the metal ring back on that holds the rubber grommet in, but I think I can make something work. I am going to continue to mess around with it to see if there is a way to gain a bit more clearance.

Originally Posted by ryanroo View Post
i would be sure to gusset or support your stand off on the pedal arm itself. if you rely on the tension in the bolt alone to hold it all i think it will begin to wiggle and wallow.

how is the z-bar pivot on the frame held in? it looks loose
My plan was to purchase some metal spacers with a 3/8" ID and 3/4" OD that I can weld to the clutch pedal to help with that. Do you think that would work, or should I try something else?

It's held on exactly the way it was in its stock form, but I may not have had it tightened down when I took the picture.

Originally Posted by americanmusc1e View Post
That looks nicer than my hydraulic setup
Thanks!!!! I think it's turning out ok, just a bit more tweaking and I think it will be rocking!

'69 GMC 3/4 ton 4x4 Build Thread
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