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Old 01-06-2015, 02:14 PM   #1
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Radio/Stereo Options?

Now that I finally have my project truck on the road, I'm finding that my commute is incredibly boring without a radio. I have an original uncut dash, and would like to keep it that way. What have you guys been doing for shaft mount radios in our squares? I don't currently have a radio at all. Preferably, I would like something cheap, with the ability to plug in my iPhone. Right now I'm thinking that my best option may be to continue to try and find an original am/fm stereo cassette, and just hack it to ad an aux input. My doors have already been cut for about a 6" speaker, so I just plan to install some inexpensive speakers in the doors and run a cheap head unit so that would-be thieves wont give my truck a second look. Sound quality isn't too important at this point, as I am getting older and finding myself listening to the news and talk radio more than music.

Anyone have ideas, or willing to share examples of what you have done?
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