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Old 01-27-2004, 03:57 PM   #9
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Location: Petrolia,Ontario,Canada but working in Port Huron,Mi.
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Whoever made the gauge,GM or a vendor, would have calibrated it originally.

Depending on whether that needle has ever been taken off that gauage it should already be calibrated.

The electronics in the back of the gauge will move that needle depending on the resistance reading it gets from the float.If the needle has been removed and then replace incorrectly somewhere along the line then no matter what you do that gauge will be off.

Did you say you checked it with another gauage that you know IS working?
71 blazer,350SBC,approx.375HP,700R4,factory GM TPI.Dual electric fans,33x12.5x15 ATR on stock suspension.
Petrolia,Ontario,Canada but working in Port Huron,MI.
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