Thread: starter motor
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Old 01-08-2015, 10:48 AM   #19
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Re: starter motor

I can't tell you that. A good ear can tell, usually, if the starter is binding and needs shims. I almost always remove the solenoid and manually engage the drive gear by moving the plunger back and forth, but I do it on an engine run stand where it's easier. If you have good access you could do the same. By slightly moving the engine ring gear, there should be a spot where you can slide the starter drive pinion gear in to engagement easily with your hand moving the plunger back and forth. Don't worry if it doesn't disengage quite as easily because the spinning of the running engine will take care of that. If you can't ENGAGE it easily, put a shim in and see if it gets better and repeat until it does. In todays world of trashy tolerances, I'd really tell you to put a .060 shim(big one) in it, bolt it together and you'll be fine, but I can't guarantee it. Listen to what it tells you when you start it. It's pretty hard to overshim these things. And "I" always use an SAE flat washer on those bolts because they tighten on an aluminum housing. No spring washer!
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