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Old 01-09-2015, 01:01 PM   #7
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Posts: 15
Re: Question about Transmisson and Rear End in 75 GMC Camper

Thanks for your response. It does have a trans cooler on it. I have no clue how long its been on there for. Just bought it few months ago. Its a 23 foot camper. Pretty heavy. I think ill just change the trans filter and put in what came out. . Rear end aswell. The previous owner did take care of it very well it seems. The drive train part of it. the frame is virtually rust free. it looks like its been kept in a barn 40 years of its life. The motor is clean and quiet, the trans shifts perfect and there is no noise what so ever coming from anywhere but the exhaust, which sounds very nice after I welded up the new Walkers. Thanks again for your all's responses. Very helpful info.
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